Monday, March 9, 2009


This year we are celebrating Lent by observing the Sabbath each week from Saturday night through Sunday night. This weeks theme was Joy. (The photo above of Sofia and Faith is a great picture of joy: a fun girls tea party with your friends!) In the week leading up to Saturday each person had a night in which we all participated in an an activity that brings them joy. The kids loved the idea and Otis named it "Joy night" as in "Is it my Joy night tonight?" For Sofia it was playing in a big tupperware full of assorted beans, sorting them, piling them, pouring them, sticking our hands deep into them. For Otis we played Batman Legos on the nintendo. That unfortunately backfired at school the next day, so we'll have to find him a less violent joy activity next time. The kids had a great time sitting down with Dad and his huge box full of Legos. We were a week late kicking off our Sabbath because of a prescheduled event but it went well. I'm still feeling relaxed, like I just had a mini-vacation. On Saturday we cleaned the house, gave the kids baths, prepared a delicious dinner and stocked the house with yummy snacks and spring flowers. I covered all the clocks and we only used candlelight. No tv or computers. The kids enjoyed the atmosphere, playing happily together. We also noticed that they were singing a lot this weekend. On Sunday afternoon we went for a drive to Multnomah Falls and hiked up to the bridge. Joy was each of the kids carrying their own umbrella and the sound of the water in a stream trickling down. It was very cold at the Falls and windy rain put an end to our hike.
I am looking forward to next week. There are a few extra things I will do to prepare, like having breakfast and lunch foods in the fridge ready to pop in the oven during the Sabbath and finding some fun activities to have on hand. Next weeks theme is Peace.

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